Research and Development Cell

Committee for Information Management System

Chairperson Photo Chairperson Details
  • Head, Department of Computer Science.
  • Designation: Chairperson
Convenor Photo Convenor Details
  • Dr. Charu Dwivedi, Department of Chemistry.
  • Designation: Convenor
Co-Convenor Photo Co-Convenor Details
  • Dr. Preeti Mishra, Department of Computer Science.
  • Designation: Co-Convenor
Member Photo Member Details
  • Director, Research and Development Cell
  • Designation: Member
  • Dr. A.R. Gairola, Department of Mathematics
  • Designation: Member
  • Dr. Komal, Department of Mathematics
  • Designation: Member
  • Dr. Anuj Dhiman, Department of Computer Science
  • Designation: Member
  • Dr. Vipin Kumar Saini, School of Environment and Natural Resources
  • Designation: Member
  • Convenor/Coordinator, IT Cell or his/her nominee
  • Designation: Member
  • Dr. Ujjwal Kumar, School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR)
  • Designation: Member
  • Dr. Vipin Kumar, Department of Geology
  • Designation: Member
  • Dr. Pallavi Upreti, Department of Geography.
  • Designation: Member


Roles and Responsibilities:

The term of this committee will be 03 years. In addition to assigned roles and responsibilities of the committee, the role of convenor/co-convenor will also include conducting meetings, preparing agenda & minutes and communicating the recommendations. The mandate of this committee is:

  1. The committee (on behalf of Research and Development Cell) works to put in place and/or upgrade RIMS (Research Information Management System) to collect and manage research-oriented information, databases, publications, research projects, fellowships, collaborations, patents, thrust areas, innovations etc. aligned with the university’s research policies.
  2. The committee has the mandate to design RIMS in such a way that the system may also provide researchers a platform for accessing resource-centric information pertaining to human capital (Expertise), physical capital (State- of-Art Research Laboratories and Sophisticated Instrumentation Facility), and knowledge capital (Digital Library & Information, Intellectual Property Facilitation, Quantitative Methods & Data Analysis, Analytical and Consultancy Services).
  3. The committee has the mandate to design and continuously upgrade the RIMS in such a way that as per the requirements of various regulatory agencies, researchers can submit, modify, or update their research compliances such as protocol approval, training records, equipment lists, etc. RIMS can provide a centralized and integrated database to manage issues related to and radioactive-safety approval clearances for use and disposal of biological, chemical and radioactive hazardous materials, protective equipment measures, surveillance of staff, appropriate training/workshops, etc.
  4. This committee (on behalf of Research and Development Cell) works to create a blog or portal for Institutional Research Information and Institutional Repository and sign an MoU with UGC- INFLIBNET to access and upload the research information through ShodhGanga, ShodhGangotri, Shodh Sindhu, Shodh Shuddhi, and Shodh Chakra. The Innovation Management (ISO 56002:2019) can be implemented as a common framework to develop and deploy innovation capabilities, evaluate performance, and achieve intended outcomes of global standards.