At Doon University, the pedagogical approach is premised on a basic recognition: that pedagogical choice for the twenty-first century must reflect the changing educational, technological, professional and societal needs and aspirations. This recognition and its acceptance, in turn, requires/demands a shift from the traditional forms of only classroom-based and teacher-centered instruction to a more holistic approach to acquiring knowledge and skills appropriate for the times. This pedagogical orientation is expressed in Doon University curriculum in four key elements as explained below.
Students in Doon University are not mere recipient of knowledge. Rather, the pedagogical emphasis here will require students to engage in a continuous process of construction of ideas and knowledge. Active learning fosters retention of information and knowledge and enhances the ability to apply such information and knowledge to new situations, different contexts and, unanticipated challenges. It is through continuous engagement with peers, faculty, professionals and others that such a spirit of critical enquiry is instilled in the students. Thus, beside lectures, class presentation, discussion, group work, case studies, tutorials etc are key learning activities/tools in all University curriculums. To this end, all courses in the University seek to increase the level of interaction and activity in classes as well as in all other learning opportunities such as provided by the availability of technology.
To use an oft-repeated but tellingly valid adage of the times - this is an age of "information-communication." While some of the available information may deservingly attract skepticism, a large part of it is indeed comprised of invaluable learning material for contemporary academic and professional needs. Access as well as the ability to negotiate through this mountain of information requires students to sharpen their technological and creative skills. In addition to providing all necessary books/journals/audio-video materials related to their respective subjects, the students will have access to dedicated computer labs, internet to facilitate learning guided by faculty and other staff.
Education for all academic programs in Doon University is geared/equipped to provide students a seamless transition to their respective professional fields. Hands-on learning is therefore a key feature in all Program curriculums. Summer Internship, compulsory project work in the final semester and, regular participation of visiting/guest faculty from professions are the various means through which students will sharpen their knowledge and skills for entry-level jobs.
Beyond the basic grasp in their respective subject matters, students today need additional competencies to negotiate, compete and survive in very competitive professional environment. Ability to communicate efficiently and effectively and to work collaboratively as team-player to solve problems and make decisions are key to successful professional careers. All courses and other academic activities, therefore, seek to integrate these elements to help students acquire these new skills. Additionally, students are encouraged to take courses in written, oral, business and professional communication as part of their degree requirement.
Incorporation of the above elements in all academic programs will provide graduating students of the University a unique distinctiveness and an edge that should enable them to approach their career choices and professional life with assurance and confidence.