The Central Library offers lending service to every registered user of the library, the service is offered from the circulation section and one can borrow specified number of documents from this section. Category wise borrowing facility details are as follows:
Category | No. of Books | Period |
Faculty Members(Permanent/Contract) | 07 Documents | 180 Days |
Guest Faculty | 04 Documents | 180 Days |
Research Scholars | 05 Documents | 30 Days |
Students | 05 Documents | 7 Days |
Non Teaching Staff | 02 Documents | 15 Days |
The Members can also avail the overnight borrowing facility of certain documents from the Reference section by depositing their library card in the section.
The Central Library is in the belief that our users are the most important person for us and each one from the library staff is always ready to solve library related problems of the users.
Readers may approach the Reference Desk for information or any assistance in the use of the Library Collections and Services. Users may contact Assistant Librarian for the computerized services, Database Search Services, Web-based electronic journals, Inter-Library Loan or any other help.
Following services are offered under this category:
The Library is using the latest version of a well known Library Management Software and the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of LMS is available for users also. The OPAC allows a user to search for an item of his/her choice in Library holdings. Each item represents a book or an article in a journal and every item is represented by various categories of information known as ‘field’ such as title, author, keyword, etc. For any assistance please contact the Library Staff.
To keep abreast user about the activities of the University, the Library maintains a file of the news clipping of the Doon University related news appeared in different newspapers. The current news clipping is also displayed on the notice-board of the library and the same is also send to university authorities through e-mail for information. The users who are interested in receiving the news-clipping through e-mail can submit their request to Assistant Librarian.
The Library has a spacious reading hall for the study purpose of the users; the calm and studious environment attracts students for a longer hour study. There are individual study carrels placed in the reading hall for more silence and individual study. The Reading hall remains open more than 12 hours a day from the 9:00 AM to 9:30 PM.
The Library has a Wi-Fi connectivity of the University Intranet, and all the bonafide members are entitled to use the Internet for educational Electronic Resources; However, bulk copying, systematic downloading or use of such electronic materials for commercial purposes and other such usages which are in violation to IPR rules or other relevant rules and regulations of the country, is strictly prohibited.
The Library has an access of anti-plagiarism software URKUND through INFLIBNET, the software helps in finding the plagiarize contents in a document and generate a report containing the details of similarity of contents with the other documents. The users interested in using the anti-plagiarism software may contact the Assistant Librarian for the individual user account of the software.
The Central Library has initiated setting up a digital repository and archiving facility for the Doon University community. The Library is using the DSpace open source software for this purpose. This service enables the University to archive its in-house publications.
At present, the Repository is in its initial stage, and the library is working on archiving the old question papers for the use of students. In the latter stages, the library is planning to upload the Syllabus (course curriculum), Annual Reports, Dissertations of PG programs, News about the University etc. At present the Repository is accessible on University INTRANET only..