Dr. Archana Sharma

Dr. Archana Sharma, Assistant Professor

Faculty Photo Faculty Details
  • Education: M.Sc. (HNB Garhwal Univ), PhD (HNB Garhwal Univ)
  • Email: doonarchana@gmail.com
  • Area of Specialization/Interest: Aquatic Biodiversity,Freshwater Biodiversity; Water Quality Assessment & Monitoring , EIA, Wetland research
IRINS Profile
Best Five publications in last five years:
  1. Archana Sharma, Ramesh C. Sharma and Ashish Anthwal, 2008, Surveying of aquatic insect diversity of Chandrabhaga river, Garhwal Himalayas, Environmentalist, 28, pp 395-404
  2. Smriti Kukshal, B.P. Nautiyal, Ashish Anthwal, Archana Sharma and A.B. Bhatt, 2009, Phytosociological investigation and lifeform pattern of grazingland under pine canopy in temperate zone, North West Himalaya, India, Research Journal of Botany, 4, pp 55-69
  3. Ashish Anthwal, Nutan Gupta, Archana Sharma, Smriti Anthwal and KI-Hyun Kim, 2010, Conserving biodiversity through traditional beliefs in Sacred Groves in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54, pp 962-971
  4. Archana Sharma, 2012, Suitability assessment of groundwater for drinking purpose in few selected regions of Dehradun city, Uttarakhand, India, Journal of Sustainable Environmental Research, , 1, pp 195-198
  5. Archana Sharma,2011. Sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges for Management of Natural Resources, . In Environmental Management & Sustainable Development of India/Dr. K.K.Verma/Ariana Publishers & Distributors New Delhi, pp 408-415, ISBN- 978-93-86762-63-4
Ongoing Projects:
  1. UGC Major Project on