- Education: M. Sc. (J.N.V. University, Jodhpur), Ph.D. (J.N.V. University, Jodhpur)
- Email: suthariitd@gmail.com
- Phone: 9410707882
- Area of Specialization/Interest: Solid Waste Management, Ecotoxicology, Constructed Wetlands, Micro Plastic Pollution, Phytoremediation, Contamination Hydrology, Waste-to-Energy, Emerging Pollutants
IRINS Profile
Awards & Honours:
- Appointed Member-Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Switzerland (2009 – 2012, May 2013 – 2016, June 2016 - 2021)
- Enlisted in top 2 % Scientist of the World by Stanford University, USA, 2nd in India and 220 Global Ranking in Environmental Science disciplines
- Medal for Excellence in Science, Technology and Education, 2013, Szent Istvan University, Hungary
- Fast-track Young Scientist Award, 2011. Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
- Biography has been included in ‘Who’s Who Emerging Leaders in the World’, 2007 edition, (Marques, U.S.A.)
- Elected member of Sigma XI, The Scientific Research Honour Society (Established in 1886 at Cornell University, USA) in 2021
- NUFFIC Fellowship - Govt. of Netherlands (July 2011)
- Elected Fellow of Linnean Society London (1st April 2021).
Best Five publications in last five years:
- Rai, R., Raj K. Singh, Suthar, S., 2021. Production of compost with biopesticide property from toxic weed Lantana: Quantification of alkaloids in compost and bacterial pathogen suppression. Journal of Hazardous Materials 401, 123332 (Elsevier, USA) (IF= 10.588)
- Gusain, R., Suthar, S., 2020. Vermicomposting of duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) by employing Eisenia fetida: Changes in nutrient contents, microbial enzyme activities and earthworm biodynamics. Bioresource Technology 311, 123585. (Elsevier, USA) (IF= 9.642).
- Singh, V., Suthar, S., 2021. Occurrence, seasonal variations, ecological risk of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in River Ganges at two holy cities of India. Chemosphere 268, 129331, (Elsevier), [IF = 7.086]
- Chauhan, M., Saini, V.K., Suthar, S., 2020. Enhancement in selective adsorption and removal efficiency of natural clay by intercalation of Zr-pillars into its layered nanostructure. Journal of Cleaner Production, 258, 120686. (Elsevier, USA) (IF= 9.297).
- Ahada, C.P.S., Suthar, S., 2018. Assessment of human health risk associated with high groundwater fluoride intake in southern districts of Punjab, India, Exposure & Health https://doi.org/10.1007/s12403-017-0268-4 (Springer) [IF = 11.422].