Centre for Public Policy - Doon University

  • Phone Number

  • +91 0135-2533142


Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

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Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

To further systematize the Research, Consultancy and Programmes related work, for prioritizing Research and its related budgetary allocation, a Research Advisory Committee ( RAC ) has been constituted, as follows :

NTPC Chair Professor Chairman
Faculty Nominee of Vice Chancellor, Doon Member
Expert Nominee of Chair Professor Member
Two Eminent Experts in Social Sciences Member
Registrar, Doon University Member
CPP Research Associate i/c Member Secretary

The mandate of the RAC would be to prioritise research projects, including their budgets, review progress of on-going projects and consider collaborate projects with other institutions and Universities, and

The RAC would also finalize and periodically review various Seminars/Conferences/Symposia and Workshop which may be held under the aegis of the Centre, or in collaboration with other Schools, Organizations or Universities etc, on themes and topics which are of public interest and in the domain of higher education and learning, as per the larger Vision of the Centre.

  • Phone Number

  • +91 0135-2533142

  • Centre for Public Policy

  • Room No. 101-102 Faculty Offices, Doon University Mothrowala Road, Kedarpur, P.O. Defence Colony, Dehradun, PIN 248001, Uttarakhand, India