The Research Scholar is required to submit one additional copy (electronic version) of the Thesis/Dissertation (e-thesis), along with information as desired in Annexures I, II and III on a Pen drive to Central Library, Doon University. The guidelines to adhere to while submitting the e-thesis are stipulated below.
The Research Scholar shall submit a new Pen-drive with the following contents:
- A single searchable PDF (Portable Document Format) file containing the complete thesis. The file shall bear the name of the title of the thesis.
- An MS Word file containing the complete thesis. The file shall bear the name of the title of the thesis.
- Abstract: a single word file containing the abstract of the thesis in 2048 characters with space. This is apart from the summary/abstract of the thesis. Please note it is character and not words. (To know the character in a word file, go to the review tab and on the left side you will find the word-count option.
- Chapter-wise PDF and Word files with the names as follows:
- 01_title
- 02_prelim pages*
- 03_content
- 04_abstract
- 05_chapter 1
- 06_chapter 2
- 07_chapter 3
- 08_chapter 4
- 09_chapter 5
- 10_ annexures*
- 80_Recommendation *
- For the 02_prelim pages file: club the declaration + dedication + certificate + acknowledgement + list of table + graphs files in one file and name it as 02_prelim pages.
- For the 10_annexures file: combine the bibliography + references + questionnaire + maps + publication etc files in one file and name it 10_annexures.
- For 80_Recommendation file: the recommendation file should contain the title page summary/conclusion/recommendation/future work without any image/graph/picture.
For detailed guidelines and annexures pls click here
Watch the video for more understanding