E-Thesis Submission guidelines

The Research Scholar is required to submit one additional copy (electronic version) of the Thesis/Dissertation (e-thesis), along with information as desired in Annexures I, II and III on a Pen drive to Central Library, Doon University. The guidelines to adhere to while submitting the e-thesis are stipulated below.

The Research Scholar shall submit a new Pen-drive with the following contents:


  1. A single searchable PDF (Portable Document Format) file containing the complete thesis. The file shall bear the name of the title of the thesis.
  2. An MS Word file containing the complete thesis. The file shall bear the name of the title of the thesis.
  3. Abstract: a single word file containing the abstract of the thesis in 2048 characters with space. This is apart from the summary/abstract of the thesis. Please note it is character and not words. (To know the character in a word file, go to the review tab and on the left side you will find the word-count option.
  4. Chapter-wise PDF and Word files with the names as follows:
  • 01_title
  • 02_prelim pages*
  • 03_content
  • 04_abstract
  • 05_chapter 1
  • 06_chapter 2
  • 07_chapter 3
  • 08_chapter 4
  • 09_chapter 5
  • 10_ annexures*
  • 80_Recommendation *


  1. For the 02_prelim pages file: club the declaration + dedication + certificate + acknowledgement + list of table + graphs files in one file and name it as 02_prelim pages.
  2. For the 10_annexures file: combine the bibliography + references + questionnaire + maps + publication etc files in one file and name it 10_annexures.
  3. For 80_Recommendation file: the recommendation file should contain the title page summary/conclusion/recommendation/future work without any image/graph/picture.


For detailed guidelines and annexures pls click here

Watch the video for more understanding


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