Open Access

Open Access Books

DOAB is a searchable database of peer-reviewed scientific monographs that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access. DOAB contains the metadata of ‘free to share’ e-books and provides direct links to the full text of the publications on the websites of the publishers. The collection covers all disciplines but focuses particularly on humanities, law and social sciences. All books in DOAB have a fully open access license, making them ‘free to share.
The Directory of Open Access Books is a service of the OAPEN Foundation.

To access the directory Pls click here

Open Access Journals:

The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) database contains over 15 000 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities.

To access the directory Pls click here

Journal Guide

JournalGuide is a free tool that helps researchers to evaluate scholarly journals. In addition to searching by journal name, category or publisher, authors can use the title and abstract of a paper to discover journals that have already published articles on similar topics. By matching journals to a paper’s content, researchers can see which journals would be most likely to have an interest in their story.

To access the Journal Guide Pls click here

Paper Hive

PaperHive introduces a seamless discussion of research papers directly in the browser, embedded in the regular workflow. This enables researchers to attach questions, corrections, formulas, figures, other literature, code, or data directly to the original text where everyone can benefit from it.

To access the Paper Hive, Pls click here

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