Library Team Members
- Overall Library Management and Administration,
- Library development planning and execution
- Academic Integrity and Plagiarism-Related Issues,
- Learning Management System, University IRINS.
- Reference Section, Reading Room: Periodical area, Uttarakhand Collection, Competitive Exam books collection management and maintenance.
- Print Journals and related services, Print Newspapers and related services.
- Bound volume and related services,
- Article indexing, Content by journals, User education, Newspaper clipping to IR
Stock verification of Reference Section.
- Circulation Section Maintenance and management
- New user registration, RFID management and maintenance
- User education, Library committee affairs, No Dues, book searching service, KOHA maintenance and Management, LMS Server Maintenance, Feedback, Annual Report, Faculty Publication, E-Library
- Stock verification of the Circulation section including the Language section
- Acquisition section and related work
- Technical work related to book processing, Tagging of books, user education, IR server maintenance, E-Library, Library website maintenance,
- Institutional Repository Management,
- Language Section maintenance and management,
- Library programme coordination,
- E-Granthalaya related affairs